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The RSAi welcomes you to join an ever-expanding academic network of regional scientists, not of the eastern region, not of India alone, nor of South Asia, but of the whole world. The Indian section joined the global RSAI community in 2016. Today a member of the RSA India is also a member of the RSA International with a fee of 2 €.

A member of the RSAIndia enjoys the following benefits:

  • Free access to the Indian Journal of Regional Science (IJRS), the biannual peer reviewed journal that has been reaching out to scholars since 1967.
  • Free access to all publications (Special Volumes, Monographs and Thematic volumes of the RSA India).
  • Eligible to submit a paper for review for publication in the IJRS.
  • Discounted registration fees in Annual RSA India conferences and workshops.
  • Free participation at Special Lectures and other select events.

The additional benefits that come with your 2€ membership of the International Association are:

  • Being a part of a strong community of 4500 regional scientists worldwide.
  • Complimentary access to the two online journals of RSA International. Papers In Regional Science and Regional Science: Policy and Practice (Wiley International) through your member access portal. Members pay a discounted publication fee if there papers are selected.
  • Complimentary electronic access to the following journals, Journal of Regional Science, Growth and Change, Geographical Analysis and International Journal of Urban and regional Research. Access to these journals is possible through your RSAI member access portal.
  • Discounted fees to Supraregional Conferences of ERSA (European), NARSC (North American), LARSA (Latin American) and PRSCO (Pacific Region) at discounted registration fees.
  • Discounted fees to the World Congress now held every two years
  • Information on nearly hundred academic events in any given year organized by the nearly 45 sections across the world, opening up tremendous opportunities of communication, networking and travel across the world.
  • Eligible to apply for grants and awards under different schemes and programmes like Nurturing New Talent and Building Bridges, travel grants for attending conferences
  • Complimentary access to the Newsletter with information on worldwide events and awards.
  • Each year, the Association conducts a competition for the best doctoral dissertation in the field of regional science. Winners are encouraged to present their work at one of the major international meetings.
  • In addition to the RSAI publications, members are offered an opportunity to purchase other regional science journals at reduced rates and participate in the national and international conferences at reduced rates
  • For more details see   www.regionalscience.org